Welcome – We’re PCARS

PCARS is an ARRL Affiliated, Special Services Club. We are a group of Amateur Radio hobbyists located in Portage County, Ohio who believe that the whole point of being in the hobby of Amateur Radio is to have fun with it. Whether you are a new ham or an “old timer”, PCARS has something to offer you. The PCARS monthly meeting is held the second Monday of each month and the meetings start at 7:00 PM. We meet at The American Legion Post 496 – 1945 Mogadore Rd, in Kent. Click for more info!!

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New PCARS Members

Welcome to the latest members of PCARS!

Roger KE8TEJKent, OH
Ray KO6FYUAuburn, CA
George AC8KJAkron, Ohio
If you meet these people on the street, in a meeting, or on the air, be sure to say Hi and introduce yourself. Let's make our new members feel welcome!

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Birthdays this Month

James AB8YKGeorge AC8KJGia AG8GM
Michael KC8LJYJames KC8YYSRay KD8DFL
Carl N4ITDavid W8HFY

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Latest News

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Freeze Your Acorns Off Tomorrow

Saturday February 15th

Attn All you Winter hardy QRP Ops:

As promised, here’s a reminder: This Saturday, Feb. 15, we will once again venture out to Fred Fuller Park in Kent and congregate in the Roy Smith Shelter House to hold our Yearly QRP event…namely FREEZE YOUR ACORNS OFF.

This will be our 20th year doing this so let’s make it a real BIG FUN event. Come prepared to brave whatever Mother Nature throws at us. Make sure that your portable stations are set to handle snow, ice, wind, and frozen acorns.

And don’t forget, there is that other contest within the event. The Best Recipe Cookoff. Those of you who may not be braving the elements, will want to bring something scrumptious to eat. We will have “impartial” judges to grade your offerings. Soup, stew, chili, Mac & Cheese, or something we haven’t seen before. Again, let’s simply get together and have some fun.

Festivities start with set up at 9AM and the contest will begin at 10AM and go until 3PM. I’m hoping to see many of you there.

Here’s a link to more FYAO Info: https://www.portcars.org/wp/activities/freeze-your-acorns-off/

And let’s thumb our noses at February WX by not forgetting to wear our Hawaiian or Aloha shirts.

73 – Chuck W8PT

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Flex Net – Tonight – Wednesday February 12th – 8 PM , Frequency 3.8975

Based on monitoring for the past several days I’m going to stick with 3.8975 MHz +/- QRM, LSB, for this evening’s Flex Net. If that spot is occupied, tune around this frequency to find us.

73, Rick K8CAV

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REMINDER PCARS Monthly Meeting Tonight Monday February 10th at 7 PM

Please join us for the PCARS Monthly Meeting Monday February 10th at the American Legion post 496 located at 1945 Mogadore Rd. Kent, OH 44240. The meeting starts at 7:00PM sharp!

Our speaker, who will be at our meeting this month, is Bret Stemen KD8SCL. He will be discussing plans for restarting ARES in Portage County. It is something we have talked about for a long time and I am sure he has a plan for the restart.

You can review the January meeting minutes using the following link:


As usual we will enjoy great conversations while meeting with our fellow club members.

If you can’t attend in person, please attend using Zoom. Information for the meeting is below.

Looking forward to seeing you,

Topic: February Monthly Meeting

Time: Feb 10, 2025 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 927 5830 1031

Passcode: 156900

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Freeze Your Acorns Off Saturday February 15th

Attn All you Winter hardy QRP Ops:

On Saturday, Feb. 15, we will once again venture out to Fred Fuller Park in Kent and congregate in the Roy Smith Shelter House to hold our Yearly QRP event…namely FREEZE YOUR ACORNS OFF.

This will be our 20th year doing this so let’s make it a real BIG FUN event. Come prepared to brave whatever Mother Nature throws at us. Make sure that your portable stations are set to handle snow, ice, wind, and frozen acorns.

And don’t forget, there is that other contest within the event. The Best Recipe Cookoff. Those of you who may not be braving the elements, will want to bring something scrumptious to eat. We will have “impartial” judges to grade your offerings. Soup, stew, chili, Mac & Cheese, or something we haven’t seen before. Again, let’s simply get together and have some fun.

Festivities start with set up at 9AM and the contest will begin at 10AM and go until 3PM. I’m hoping to see many of you there. I will keep reminding you as we get closer to the date.

73 – Chuck W8PT

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POTA SIG Tuesday 2/11/2025 7 PM

Hi everyone!

The monthly PCARS POTA SIG meeting will be held at PCARS World Headquarters on Tuesday 2/11/2025 at 7:00pm.

We will be discussing our fantastic Winter POTA event at Wingfoot Lake SP, and our plans for a spring POTA event.

Please join us in Ravenna, or on Zoom:

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 966 8711 8167

Passcode: 183655

73 de W8NET Miles “Gene” Marsh

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