Contest Weekend, This Weekend March 11th and 12th

Attention PCARS Contesters:

This weekend we plan to put K8BF on the air in a few State QSO Parties. The Idaho QSO Party starts on Saturday, and runs from 2PM Sat afternoon until 2PM Sunday afternoon. The Oklahoma QSO Party runs from 10AM Saturday morning until 9PM Saturday evening. It then breaks for a good night’s sleep and restarts on Sunday from 11AM until 5PM.

The Wisconsin QSO Party begins on Sunday at 2PM and runs until 9PM Sunday evening.

The challenge is that our computer setup will only allow ONE contest to be operated in at any one time. Therefore, when we gather on Saturday morning, we will decide which of the two contests that takes place on that day, to participate in based on the activity we hear on the bands.

Sunday, we will concentrate on the Wisconsin QSO Party since we have placed well in the contest for the last several years.

Don’t forget, if you have not contested before and want to get an idea what it’s all about or want to get some training, please attend this weekend. For all who will be participating, I suggest that you show up about an hour early so that we can make our decision regarding which contest we will enter on Saturday and to review the rules for each contest.

Hope to see many PCARS members attending. I’m looking forward to having fun.

One last item…we are supposed to have a fairly significant snow event this weekend. I don’t want to have anyone risk their lives if the roads are really bad. Watch your emails for any change of plans.

73 – Chuck W8PT
PCARS Contest Coordinator

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