PCARS Members and Friends of PCARS:
Freeze Your Acorns Off 2024 will take place tomorrow, March 2, at the Roy Smith Shelter House in Kent’s Fred Fuller Park.
We will be celebrating our 19th year of holding this event. Those of you who will be setting up a station, you know what you have to do to plan your operation.
As in previous years, the operating format will be a “contest” for all participants that set up a station and operate from the FYAO site. And as in years past, the host site is the shelter house at Fred Fuller Park in Kent. The winner will receive a certificate and his or her name and call sign will be added to the FYAO plaque displayed at the PCARS Club site.
We will also be having our contest within a contest…..the Best Recipe Cook-Off. So as many as you believe that you are great cooks, whip up your best recipe of chili, mac & cheese, spicy meatballs, stew, or whatever your heart desires and bring your dish to pass and have it judged by our “expert” panel of judges. (Judges to be chosen during the event to assure “NO COLLUSION – absolutely NO COLLUSION.)
The contest begins at 1500 UTC (10 AM Local) and ends at 2000 UTC (3 PM Local). For those of you setting up a station, you are encouraged to come one hour earlier to pick your operating spot. Remember, this is a QRP Event so keep your foot warmers at home. (And you know I’m not talking about heavy socks.)
Come on out and set up a station, bring lots of food, invite your friends to see what this is all about, and just have a good time with your fellow HAMS. Most importantly, we’re here to have BIG FUN so I hope to see a lot of you there.

73 for now,
Chuck W8PT
PS: Don’t forget to wear your best Hawaiian shirt!