PCARS DXers & Contesters:
The UK has made some changes to their licensing, the most significant is that they have up’d the legal power from 400w to 1KW. Read below:
UK Licensing changes now in effect
By G4IRN, John Warburton
From 21st March 2024, the UK licensing authority OFCOM has made changes to UK amateur radio licenses. The full statement can be read here: https://www.ofcom.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0029/278345/amateur-radio-general-notice-decision.pdf
Changes impacting DXers and contesters:
- Holders of full licenses can now operate 1KW output on the primary amateur radio bands (up from 400W).
- The use of ‘Regional Secondary Locators’ is now optional for call-signs beginning M or G. The RSL is the second letter of the call-sign where D=Isle of Man, G=Guernsey, I=Northern Ireland, J=Jersey, M=Scotland, W=Wales. Stations in these entities can now drop the second letter and use just their G or M prefix.
- Stations in England can optionally add the Regional Second Locator letter ‘E’ – so their M0ABC call-sign can become ME0ABC.
The UK DX and contesting community envisage that most stations will continue to use their Regional Secondary Locators, however for contests where the DXCC entity is a multiplier, it is recommended that contest organisers mandate the use of a prefix that identifies their DXCC entity.

73 – Chuck W8PT