On Saturday, September 30th at 9 AM we will be having a build day focused on using Arduino microcomputers. Many ham radio projects use a programmed Arduino as a component. Most of the published projects have software already written. The builder needs to know how to make minor software modifications to the program (As an example, adding your call sign or QTH) and load the software into the microcomputer. That is what this build is all about.
A kit will be available containing an Arduino Nano, programming cable, small prototyping board, digital display, and jumper wires. The cost of the kit is $20. As part of the build, we will be assembling a small project; making a few modifications to the supplied software; and downloading the software into the Nano. It should be fun.
I need to know by this Friday, September 15th if you would like to attend. This will provide the time to receive components and collect the kits. If interested, send an email to AC8NT@j3solutions.com.
Jim, AC8NT