Flex Net – Wednesday, September 13th at 8:00 PM

The next PCARS Flex Net will be held on Wednesday, September 13th at 8:00 PM. This month’s net will be a Digital-Only net using the MFSK-16 mode, on 10 meters. Tune your transceiver’s dial frequency to 28.118 MHz and center the MFSK-16 cursors at 1,500 Hz on the waterfall.

As this is a digital-only net, we will be using prosigns and Q signals to streamline net operations. The Digital Special Interest Group meeting on September 5th will be reviewing these procedures, and there is also a file named Flex-Net-Digital-Opertions.pdf on the PCARS groups.io site, here: https://groups.io/g/PCARS/files

73 Rick K8CAV

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